I think you are absolutely right. In this case we are not talking about smoking in front of children of 5 or 9 years old. These are teenagers of 15 or older and in my adolescence at that age it was already easy to see all kinds of things in the street, at parties, schools etc. And that was more than 20 years ago, that is to say, today everything is more degraded at a social level in the street and drugs reach every young teenager or adult sooner or later. And if their parents have never spoken to them and shown them the reality, they are easier to influence. On the other hand, I do not consider cannabis to be just another drug, I consider it to be something that is highly stigmatized by society - but which society? - those who live asleep and drunk month after month immersed in their short cycle of "morally superior" platitudes. Regarding alcohol, it is normalized because the owners of that industry are old families, the same ones that keep everyone asleep and obviously they need a catalyst that atrophies your brain 🧠 as you consume it and time passes.
I personally grew up in an environment where if the family heard that someone was smoking marijuana they were immediately labeled a Stoner (a term they use for people who smoke crack πŸ’€) But on the other hand, it was well seen that at 13 or 14 years old you got 🍻 drunk at a family or friends party, or that you fought with other people for being 🀬🍺πŸ₯΄ drunk, that was and is in a certain way normalized and even encouraged by uncles, grandparents or parents. Growing up in this environment, I started drinking alcohol very early at 13 years old. And to be honest, it was on the verge of becoming a persistent problem for me and my family. Between the ages of 14 and 16 or 17, more or less, it was a terrible spiral, with more and more parties, more alcohol, partying with friends, weddings, quinceanera parties, even funerals were places where people would settle, there was a lot of alcohol and you would come out dazed. During that period, I saw and got to know a lot of drugs without trying any of them. I had a lot of acquaintances who used everything from shoe glue to ecstasy, and above all cocaine, the most unpleasant thing that can exist, and of course marijuana. It wasn't until I was 17 or 18 that I tried marijuana for the first time, and it was immediately a kind of click. But marijuana and alcohol in excess don't usually go together very well. I learned that the hard way from some experiences that I might write about one day very soon. To sum it up, right when I was 21 my awakening began in a certain way (which never meant anything to me, until now. I rewind and understand it all as a hidden sign that came to me back then before I even knew about Bitcoin). Right at 2️⃣1️⃣ I made a definitive decision! Quit alcohol 🚫 and only smoke 🍁 marijuana, I compared the two on a scale βš–οΈ and obviously it will always lean in favor of the plant. I left university and the career imposed by my mother, I stayed without alcohol for more than two years, I dedicated myself to working and finding who I was and what I wanted, and while all that was happening I was learning more about cannabis and smoking more, and I only smoked marijuana, I did not ingest other drugs. That led me to focus more on my tastes and desires. I started skating with a Longboard, I moved away from home and became independent from my parents, then I started studying photography and working with that in tourism and so little by little I found my way as a free person, who did not want to live under the standards of other people, or models foreign to my desires. Thanks to that, I gave myself the opportunity to escape from my environment. Since it awakened in me the desire to go out and explore other places, and the certainty that my real goals in life would not be found in the neighborhood where I grew up. And in the neighborhood there are only two options: the slow route, being a normie worker from Monday to Saturday, or the fast route, which has an average life expectancy of 18 to 25. And I refused to choose either of the two, I escaped from there and designed my own path and now I am freer than ever, now that I know and learn about bitcoin every day I can better define my course and my path forward together with my family. Thank you for your post and allowing me to express these memories, while giving an opinion, thank you 🀝🀠
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response and sharing some of your story. It fills be with gratitude πŸ’š