Most prominent stackers are aware of this but don't interact this way. One person's zapping drivel is another person's acknowledgement that someone took the time and effort to post or reply to them. The punishment for zapping a lot content and non high value stackers has always been a bone of contention of mine but I understand why it exists as the need to root out spam is a weighty problem.
acknowledgement that someone took the time and effort to post or reply to them
This is something we probably need to reconcile with the rewards system a little better.
Yes, but it is a hard problem because to his point you don't want people just posting drivel to get volume numbers and just zapping everything. I understand the complexity of the problem which I why I haven't suggest the algo be changed. You guys are smarter than me. If you can figure out a way to improve it while still providing the same spam resistance I think I would be in favour.
The only answer that comes to mind is to stop zapping out of courtesy.
Although, it may be a solution in search of a problem. K00b told me that most of the long time stackers have almost perfect trust scores, which is the mechanism that would be the issue with courtesy zapping.
Man, I want to learn what my trust score is. I wonder if it is low or high?
That's for k00b's eyes only.
I think SN is still in its infancy stage. There is probably a solution, just might take time to figure out.