It's a Christian bend but the connections are accurate. There is a little bit of stuff missing like the Bible is totally rewritten but... Sincerely studying and with devotion can lead to a higher knowledge.
Also the attachment to material existence can lead men into a trap.
So we can consider this docu a bullshit?
I saw what you posted, the interview and then I watched the actual film. No, Is not bullshit. It's very well done. What is missing is that the Vedas give both sides of this and in fact disclose from 5000 years ago that Materialists will go for a path of ritual, Demigod and ancestor worship just to perpetuate the illusion of material power which is gross, base and full of suffering. On the other side is Transcendentalist who understand that the suffering is attachment to what is impermanent. What is permanent is the soul and God. The Supreme Godhead that is in charge of all lesser gods, demons, angels and all beings created all of this for play and enjoyment. Worship of the parts instead of the whole leads to misery.
5000 years ago the Age of Quarrel or Kali Yuga began. Before this age there were Ages that people lived longer more enlightened lives. Now we are headed through an age where there is violence, confusion and eventually average people will live no longer than 20 to 25 years!
Fortunately there are ways that sincere devotees of God can practice devotional yoga or Bhakti Yoga. This practice leads men to a higher consciousness and escapes the nonsense of this Age of Quarrel.
Look at the text of the previous post #687622