Well, this blew my mind this morning. I always figured ringed planets had to be further out from the sun just because it's only the four gas giants that currently have them, but we keep discovering new things.
(I'm also just old enough to remember when Saturn was the "only" planet with rings, before the discoveries on Uranus and Saturn in the '70s).
Interesting information... and also very well supported!! The mysteries of the universe are infinite! and still undiscovered... hopefully what science achieves in the future will be beneficial for humans and not for their destruction..!!
Wow. This is very cool. Seems to make a lot of sense due to the placement of the craters and the existence of the ice age around the time the ring was formed. I want to be sold so I am sold.
I want to be sold so I am sold.
My take as well! It certainly seems legit, and also cool. I also just learned that Saturn's rings are, in the cosmic sense, somewhat young, having formed after sharks evolved on earth.
I didn't know that either.
It's fun imaging what Earth's ring looked like, but dadburnit, you know some climate kook is going to take this finding as evidence that it's time to start blocking out the sunlight around the equator to fight global warming...
Mars use to look like earth with tons of water a long time ago I wonder if it had a ring too?
huh. I somehow thought they knew Uranus had rings before then.