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Hi bud! Yeah some offices allow dogs to come in! Given the high-stress environment, it has been shown to help boost mental and physical health! Sometimes dogs even appear on the Teams calls with other agencies and departments! Amazingly these guys and gals manage to do just enough to keep our sanity!
boost mental and physical health!
LOl so even worst than I thought... politicians really have mental health problems... so why in the hell we are paying them?
Naw its only when the Members are out of the office bud. When just us regular folks are here having to negotiate
wow so even worst than that! the politicians are not even in the office, supposedly working... fucking scumbags. The insanity goes way beyond imagination... and stupid people still pay taxes to sustain this total bullshit.
You sir are well stupid cause its election season!
Also sorry mental health matters! Such a shame to see someone like yourself unable to grasp the very critical component of life but ya know you do seem primed to be in the camp that PTSD doesn't exist and that shell-shocked soldiers were just weak people.
Be aware, being a gov employee, you are the slave not the master. You have no right to say anything. You just obey people's demands. So please STFU.
Ehhhhhh actually no but ya know if it makes you sleep better at night more power to ya bud! Considering we decide for ourselves what we work on and what needs to be addressed.... swing and a miss for you but thanks for trying!!!
There is always next time friend!