You can use for this
Go to the top and click "New > Time Locked Address" and then follow the instructions
  • Send money to the address it gives you
  • Save your redeem script
  • Save your private key
When the delay is over you can withdraw the money here:
  • Paste the redeem script into the first box
  • Enter where you want to send the money to
  • It will spit out a "raw transaction" which is not yet signed
When you have the raw transaction, go here to sign it:
  • Paste the private key you saved earlier
  • Paste the raw transaction
  • Hit submit
  • It will spit out a "signed transaction"
When you have the signed transaction, go here to broadcast it:
  • Enter the signed transaction
  • Hit submit
  • You're done! Watch your money arrive in the address you specified
Does this wallet support any testnet?
Yes, if you go to Help > Settings you can change it to Bitcoin Testnet which is also known as testnet3 on sites like
Thanks for the step by step information!