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I'm looking for a way to send a txt with a condition, per example, the receiver will need to wait until X block or X time in order to use this UTXOS.
Yesterday, I was experimenting with Sparrow and the timelocks. As far as I understood, this wallet allows to set up a time lock, but the transaction is not broadcasted until the blockchain reach the block height or defined date. Then, the sender needs to go back to the wallet and broadcast the txt...
Which wallets would allow sending a transaction with a condition?
You can use coinb.in for this
Go to the top and click "New > Time Locked Address" and then follow the instructions
  • Send money to the address it gives you
  • Save your redeem script
  • Save your private key
When the delay is over you can withdraw the money here:
  • Paste the redeem script into the first box
  • Enter where you want to send the money to
  • It will spit out a "raw transaction" which is not yet signed
When you have the raw transaction, go here to sign it:
  • Paste the private key you saved earlier
  • Paste the raw transaction
  • Hit submit
  • It will spit out a "signed transaction"
When you have the signed transaction, go here to broadcast it:
  • Enter the signed transaction
  • Hit submit
  • You're done! Watch your money arrive in the address you specified
Does this wallet support any testnet?
Yes, if you go to Help > Settings you can change it to Bitcoin Testnet which is also known as testnet3 on sites like mempool.space
Thanks for the step by step information!
Gracias Darth, le echaré un vistazo
The fidelity bond on join market uses time locks. The easiest way to try it is with "jam" which runs on some node OS like start9 or umbrel.
You can lock it for the month up to a year I think.
Jam has great UI/UX.
I've been doing some research and Trezor suite is another wallet that allows blocking transactions at a certain block height, which of course only works with a connected trezor.
Smart contract timelocks introduce a mechanism to delay the execution of functions. These contracts use modifiers that modify how functions operate, ensuring they remain inactive until a predefined time period has elapsed