I was born in 1971, yeah the fatidic year when the dollar was de-pegged from gold. My first 20 years of life I lived in pure communist regime. Almost everything was scarce, even the bread.
My family wasn't really poor, just a normal middle class earning, workers.
What did they said to me, especially my grandpa, was to save money anytime I can. And spend them wisely only on things that I really need. Think twice when is about to buy something, no matter how much desire I have for that thing. And also they always said: never trust the gov and the banks.
Maybe that's why I appreciate and understand so much Bitcoin. Because is damn scarce.
i think spending wisely is good advice and so is never trusting the banks, especially now.
in the West, we never experienced those things in recent times you you just grow up on blind trust.
i spent over a decade in russia from the mid 00s and heard a ton of stories from people that got wiped out in the 90s, 98 default and more. that stuff causes generational trauma.
I've heard them too. My poor grandpa's savings overnight dissapeared as a currency (soviet ruble) in a inexistent institution (he stored them in post...). Then there was MMM, 2 months obligations in russia, and other scam shit. In moldova a billion buccs swinged away from 4 banks 10 years ago. Also some insane amount of monis, like half trillion of rubles got washed from russia into other states.