No Peaky Blinders.
Seriously, I'm impressed. An older person diving into Linux? That's next level. At least here in Portugal 🀠
I switched years ago when I was working, but I couldn't deal with it back then, so I switched back. To tell you the truth, I found myself wrestling with Windows so much it was a relief. All the bloatware. I would try a clean install, which would help, but I never seemed to be able to prevent it from bogging down in a few months.
I gotta be honest, I ran Windows XP on one of my PCs until like, 5 years ago. I had to turn off some security stuff to get Windows 10 to work on it, but guess what? It's actually running really smoothly.
I remember XP fondly. You must know what you're doing.
In my experience older folks are more likely to be comfortable with Linux. People in my generation grew up with DOS so working with command lines isn’t as jarring. I sense that the iPad iPhone generation is actually more lost when it comes to computers than those who grew up with dos and windows