I had very little formal economic education as a kid, but my father really was a master teacher. He instinctively knew all this stuff we talk about without knowing what it was called. He had absolutely no trust and faith in the government. His parents grew up poor in southern Italy. They traded that life for poverty in the U. S. during the depression. My father somehow knew all about debt based fiat instinctively. While my other friend's parents fought to remain debt free, he borrowed money to acquire hard assets. Then he watched the government inflate those assets over the years. He wouldn't use a personal checkbook. Everything was cash. I was the only kid I knew who paid for a private Catholic education in cash.
I don't think you can ever trust the government to educate your kids in this area.
im already raising my daughter to think for herself and make her own opportunities and not see the tradition 'school path' as anything other than something that maybe used to work. question the shit out of authority.
the story about your dad reminds me of a hilarious bit by the Italian American comedian Sebastian Maniscalco called 'my dad loves cash'
It is funny, but that was my reality! You would never think to insult a bride and groom at their wedding with any gift other than cash. I still feel that way. Now I give bitcoin for Christmas gifts if my nieces and nephews appreciate it. Three or four do now.