Jesus Christ you suck at reading. Try again bud and if you don't know English try another translator cause not only is that stupid wrong but it isn't even remotely in the realm of what was said.
Let me try again to dumb it down to the IQ of a squirrel for you... at the bottom of the webpage (that would be at the bottom of this thread you keep commenting on) there are some things called words its kinda how we communicate and those words say the following
made in Austin
That is guess what in the US! Shocker right! So no I don't take any credit for SN I am just saying where it is located and how the policy of that area thus matters!
Cant wait for the day your two brain cells run into each other again and you have an actual thought!
define policy.... define what is US define how US have any ownership of a place located in Texas, Austin. define how you can take ownership of everything that is created by somebody located in Austin.
ofc you can't answer all these question because you do not have answers, you are gov employee with just 1 neuron in your brain.
Uh... wtf does this any of this mean... this is the rambling of someone who has had to much to drink or has lost their mind... either way imma pray for you bro cause this is actually really sad to see.
you have 1 day to answer. If you cannot answer, you lose and you should STFU FOREVER.
Dude, you commented on my post lmao! You arent some dictator that can force me to speak or not to speak I mean that goes completely against everything you stand for! That would make you a government!!! OMG DARTH A GOVERNMENT AHHHHH!!!
I honestly have no idea what the ramblings of a madman or drunk Darth mean.
Even if I give you a definition of policy, if I show you the treaties and international recognition/borders, hell people identifying as from the US or Texas you will ignore it and claim brainwash.
My man I have no idea why you are so upset and sad about what others say or what another country does since you claim it doesn't affect you but you are getting all worked up and mad over it.
Just to remind you SN was made in Austin, Texas by our friends (or at least my friends) Clearly it states at the bottom it was @k00b @ek and more
I am sorry this has caused you such an emotional outburst that you feel the need to just keep blowing up my posts and comments over it.
I have no idea why you are so upset and sad about what others say
I hate gov employees and governments in general. You are part of the problem. So please STFU.
Then mute me or whatever but I will pray for you bud and hope you either get some help or find out what the root of your issues are. You seem like a decent guy underneath it all.
I am waiting for your answers. scumbag
You seem like a decent guy underneath it all.
Not with govs and gov employees...
Because I feel like you are a big boy... an adult even I know you have the capability to use Google yourself and I am not going to cater to every one of your wild theories. I even already stated that if I did you would just call everyone brainwashed and so this is the last response you will get from me on this because I have better things to do then babysit a full grown adult and deal with his temper tantrums.