Thanks for sharing. Her story is incredible, and no one would tell she did all that. Much impressive!
I agree that redeem that bond value is a hard thing to do, not sure if it's even worth the effort, as in the meantime since she did it, things probably have changed already. Not my goal anyway, maybe someone get motivated enough discovering the redeemable amount, but considering it's all fake money, I'd rather keep learning to be in the right position at the right moment.
With this post I just wanted to share a bit of a different perspective compared with the one that most commoners are aware of about houses, mortgages, and re-payments.... It's not a case is named as it is, isn't it?
Is not worth redeem it, but worth taking control of it. That is what the system is scared of it.
53 sats \ 2 replies \ @mo 18 Sep
Yes, in one sentence 🤣 yes! Not easy to do anyway... right mindset is much needed!
Don't get me wrong... I tried to redeem it, few years ago. But I find out that is a long process, I do not know exactly if would succeed, where the money goes and in what form (what if I want to redeem in BTC?) and after that I will not have anymore control of the endless bond over my strawman entity...
That's the catch in all this fucked up system: who have control over the TRUST was created without your knowledge.
thanks to @Lux for this pill.
The hard part is probably finding the way to get BTC with all that money!
Thanks for synthesizing this way!