The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
#nostr integrates #lightningnetwork on @anigmaapp
That's all
the official nitter page gets overloaded i think, so using the mirrors help, its been better lately tho in my experience. but also kinda fail that so many people are using alternative UI frontends for twitter than the official one. what is twitter doing? And why is this trend the same across all major social media? youtube also destroying their frontend UI, reddit too. Its so bad compared to what it was
Ya, a few minutes later I tried your link to again and it worked fine. So I edited my comment to include the Tweet itself just in case anyone else has the same issue.
Twitter, like the other sites, is stuffing your browser full of creepy trackers. At least that's my reason for staying away.
Cut them some slack they got to find a way to make money so they can afford all their moderators and fact checkers /s
[Anigma] Telegram clone built on nostr protocol. No phone numbers, no accounts, just messaging.