not so sure about your "intentions" on SN... You sounds to me like a gov sus...
remember that I lived 20 years in pure communist regime so any bullshit it doesn't work on me...
You cannot fool a guy that survived 20 years of communist propaganda. It doesn't work. maybe is working on clueless westerners but not o me....
We have lived the same number of years under communism and I hate it as much as you do. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, everyone believes what they want. The only thing you can blame me for is that I like to talk about my country, I like to express all the shit that people live there, I don't just talk or publish what the news says but also what my family and I have suffered there. Now this circus of raising funds to supposedly overthrow the dictatorship is just another scam.
talk about my country, I
There's no such thing. When you say "my country" it means brainwashing. The ONLY thing you can talk is about a sovereign individual. All the rest is pure propaganda bullshit.
What phrase do you suggest I use to refer to the piece of land where I was born?
Just a land, no reference. Read more here, and pay attention to all details:
Thanks for your suggestion.