No, the assumption is wrong. Those charts represent the PUBLIC capacity of routing nodes and NOT the PRIVATE capacity.
You see, many people have a wrong idea about how LN is distributed. We have 2 types of LN nodes:
  • public (small and medium routing nodes, LSPs, big nodes, exchanges etc) that you can consult in many charts, from the LN graph.
  • private (unannounced), that are personal nodes, mobile node wallets, connected to the public ones through private channels and you cannot see them in the public charts.
LN do not need too much public liquidity in order to run. Is enough with a couple of thousands of nodes, well distributed over the world and these will provide the liquidity for the private nodes.
M.Saylor and Blackrock are meaningless for Bitcoin and LN in general. What really matters is more merchants using LN and more users paying with sats. If bitcoin doesn't flow is all for nothing.
So in conclusion, no, there's no "lack of interest" in LN, is only lack of interest of the speculators (fiat maxis like Saylor) that do not use bitcoin at its full potential, they use it for their own enrichment in fiat. But they will be the losers in the end.
💯 with you