Agree with you on the problem -> reaction -> solution pattern. It happens. I doubt this is an example though. In the US they have done it over and over again. I don't see them being able to make people leave their phones. If you wanna real uprising take people's phones away. Second, the phone is to valuable to the state. Its their best method of tracking people. They aren't gonna try to keep people from using them.
What they might do is require a "scan" and become more invasive in their searches.
Also, unless this happens in the western country no one will care enough to raise security levels. Its just a fact. If someone tries something like this in the US or Europe then you might see increased restrictions.
the phone is to valuable to the state.
Yes, when you are not in a space where they are in control... but I am talking about you jumping into a plane, train. bus, where they have FULL control over you and they know who are you and where you go. They don't need so much that phone, they can say "ok we will keep it for you in a safe box and you will get back when you finish your travel".
Nah, to much trouble. In the US when they had the "shoe bomber" they just started making you take off your shoes.
We will see I guess but I just don't see that happening. Not for this at least. I don't put anything past them but I don't see it.