What did it consist of? How long did you do it? What was your experience?
We've all heard about the agricultural revolution. That ought to make us think. This word revolution. Big-ass change. What were we doing before that? We've all heard the term "hunter-gatherer". Was it an equal split between the two of these? Or primarily hunting? Primarily gathering? Primarily hunting with gathering as a backup strategy? Etc. For those of us who are convinced by the theory of evolution and the timescales involved: genomes change slowly. 10k years is a short amount of time in this context. Our genome is still largely adapted to whatever our ancestors were eating the hundreds of thousands and millions of years before that. I recently watched carnivore doctor Ken Berry debate vegan doctor Joel Khan. I though it was interesting and would recommend it.
Feel free to disagree, add context or whatever else.
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Hell no!0.0%
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Yes, and it went so well that I made a disgustingly large website laying the case for why it's the optimal human diet lol: https://whycarnivore.com/
I think it is a topic that has a lot of opinions and controversy. Most of us were taught to eat meat. I also remember that I met someone who did not eat meat for 10 years and lost a lot of weight. Of course, he only ate vegetables, which made him lose weight. Nowadays, there are people who eat meat and others who do not, and that is something to be respected.