How many of you find yourself scrolling up and down to reach the preview and attach media icon on the top of the current editor?
Wouldn't be easier to have them always available when writing long format posts? Something like this, on the side of the textarea that follow your cursor meanwhile you write, could drastically improve the writing and editing experience here on SN.
How many of you are forced to use external markdown editors? By the way... Which one do you use?
163 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 2h
Mhh, what about CTRL+U as another shortcut to upload stuff?
That will be a much easier solution!
How about ctrl+e for editor view and ctrl+j for preview?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 1h
Now we're talking 👀
I use VSCodium for my posts. It's got decent markdown preview support. Always check the SN preview before posting though.
I also don't usually upload many (if any) images in my posts.
Nice! 2 in 1. Never though about that... Ctrl + K, V for preview, too easy!
Great idea!
I don't use an external markdown editor. Should I?
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @supratic OP 3h
I don't know! Everyone does things differently... and for me markdown editors make it easier. Another issue I have, when writing take more than one day, are the attached images, as they stay saved on SN only for 24h, and sometimes I've to re-upload, or keep the task for the end.
I didn't know about the images. I don't usually have images in posts that take more than a day, but I'll be sure to put them in at the end.
That would be enabling a greater experience!
I should use a markdown editor instead of remembering all the markdown commands huh? Silly old me.