Random thoughts about parenting
I wish the current practice of parents giving out presents to their children’s classmates on their offspring’s birthdays will just stop. It’s nice that you let your children play with sand or small Lego blocks, but to me, having my toddler scream bloody murder while her brother is playing with Lego makes the evening already saturated with to-do things just that much harder. Honestly, if there were some opt-out system in which I could deny my children of such blessings, I would do so.
I have never been conscious of skin colour, but having so many people compliment on my daughter’s fair skin made me realise how many aunties still subscribe to the belief that people with fairer skin are pretty.
I’m grateful for my son because he helped me with my daughter’s home project the other day. This leads me to another pet peeve - why assign homework that is realistically impossible for toddlers to handle?
It’s interesting how genes skip a generation. My daughter reminds me of my late mum, looks-wise. I have to thank my wife for pointing out the resemblance. This is especially ironic because I look like a carbon copy of my dad. Natural cloning - this should be the authorities’ chosen strategy to encourage birth rates (instead of the reductionist approach of relying on money).
My son knows how to spell S I N G A P O R E because of a chant. I should use more chants in my teaching.
My girl is an amazing consumer. While other toddlers were playing at the Tayo Station, she sneaked out and went straight to the plush toy section. She pointed determinedly at the yellow Tayo bus, indicating her unabashed desire. My wallet bled; I bought it for her. I dread to think about how her taste will only evolve to be more exorbitant in future.
Just some rambling thoughts that stick out in my mundane quotidian existence!
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I think we will be homeschooling from here on out. A lot of my ideas on parenting probably wouldn't work well with others very well. Thanks for your thoughts. 💚
People talk themselves out of this a lot because its work and they don't think they're qualified, but its worth it and since no one cares about your kid more than their parents, parents need to know they are uniquely qualified.
There's not many excuses for outsourcing the most important job of your life to the state.
I agree.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 4h
I have never been conscious of skin colour, but having so many people compliment on my daughter’s fair skin made me realise how many aunties still subscribe to the belief that people with fairer skin are pretty.
For me it's when strangers, mostly women without kids, "compliment" my little one for being "so cute". I can't hear it anymore, though I always retort with a forced and polite smile, knowing well they would think differently if they had to spend just an hour with him. My kid experiences this constant attention as harassment, and as a consequence, he struggles bonding with adults.
I too hate when they fight over toys like I wish I had a brother my own age ffs
why assign homework that is realistically impossible for toddlers to handle?
This is one of my wife's pet peeves as well. Last year we got a couple of assignments from the preschool that were wildly beyond the abilities of 3 and 4 year olds.
Hate to be that guy.... They handed my daughter a teen sex education form for us to sign so they could educate her........she's 6 years of age. We recently purchased a house and will be home schooling our daughter this coming year...🤯🤯🤯🤯
I thought my dad (who was a teacher for many years) was a bit unhinged when he didn't want sex ed to be taught in middle school. As with many other trends in education, he was right about where it was going.
It is. And now there are 6 yearolds who have been to that class and are now spreading it on the playground...wtf. I'm in FL this sucks. BTC 4 life I'm checking out of the system.
We've got to make our school decision next year. I think we'll likely try the neighborhood elementary, but then yank her out if any of that bull shit shows up.
We go to a charter school and we're promised that none of this would happen upon entry. Venture capitalist came and restructured the school slightly and now this is part of the curriculum. I talked to some of my coworkers that are from gen z. They recommend to pull the children out of school completely. Shocking because they're only teenagers however they can see the downfall increasing. I'm starting to be of the opinion it's better to try and teach them yourself as they watch a parent work hard towards something versus the general population which is now 100% unfiltered and untethered from the agreed upon community guidelines. Individual tribes sending their children to school to get Mass indoctrinated by the monoculture. I pray for you and your family and wish you nothing but success and fortitude in your teachings.
I totally agree with all of your sentiments. Neither my wife nor I were particularly receptive to any messages directed at us in school, so we suspect are daughter will have a similar immunity. The hope is just that it's a place where she can play with her friends and blow off some energy. I've always assumed most education would happen at home.
Thank you for being a good parent. The world needs you, and your a stacker. Your kids have such a leg up. I'm happy to be in the same space as you. Thank you for all your hard work.
I know. The complaining and whining is so annoying when they werent given they same or better than their classmates. In asian culture, skin color is very important. They wont say it, but they will favor someone that is half because of their lighter skin.
giving toddlers homework should be made a criminal offense
As parents we always face challenges when it comes to correcting or teaching our children something, you know, being able to tell them that the world is different from how they see it. Children have always taught me magical things, being able to feel such simple things and lose myself in their world. Always remember that as parents we must try to get into that world with them and be able to teach them communication with a lot of love and to know that they are the future.
I never understood the loot bags at a party idea. The party is for the kid that is celebrating their birthday and the other kids get to share in their friends joy and have a lot of fun. Why do they need to leave with a gift bag?