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Hey freaks,
So, my carnivore diet has devolved into something like a keto diet.
Broke down yesterday and ordered chipotle with meat salsa and beans and veggies.
Today I'm resisting the urge for a tropical smoothie bannana flatbread with granola.
Just ate eggs and bacon, but still hungry.
Went on a 5k run this morning (29:31)
Maybe another chipotle bowl will do.
Suggestions are welcome.
I started back eating carbs early this year when my weight dropped from 210 to 175. I was craving sweets too. Later I found out my medicines had started working too well and my blood sugar and blood pressure was too low. Carbs were about the only thing I was eating. Now, since I eliminated some and reduced other medicines, my weight is back to normal. I was just thinking yesterday about going all carnivore again. All I had yesterday was meat.
I've really got to do something about the constant hunger.
I've been eating steak, salmon, eggs. Threw in Bananas and mixed fruit, drinking coffee with honey.
I'm 145 pounds........hold on. I'm 138 pounds. Wasnt looking or expecting to lose weight.
I'll try to hold off on carbs for as long as I can, looks like another chipotle bowl for lunch and surf and turf for dinner, maybe a mango smoothie or some fruit or cheese in between.
constant hunger
My remedy for this is to eat more saturated fat.
Are there any specific foods or dishes you would recommend?
I eat 1/2 pound of hamburger meat per day. I can't find any with more than 27 percent of fat. Kroger has it in 1 pound tubes which makes it perfect for freezing. It's always on sale too. More fat adds to the flavor and juiciness. I also eat 4 jumbo egg yolks, 1/8 pound of butter and 1/3 pound of bacon per day. The cheapest bacon has the most fat and the best consistency and flavor. Then I still add carbs on top of that. Everything is cooked in bacon grease unless I run out. I keep lard as a backup but bacon grease is the best. It makes my iron skillets nice and slick.