The term “naturalization” means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever. 8 USC § 1101(a)(23)
powerful statement, in plain sight! but what constitutes a nation? there are some beautiful definitions out there, but in essence, it's a group of men and/or women who pledge allegiance to the alliance, and are capable of living in peace and harmony with each other and other nations. i suppose a tribe is a type of nation, but much smaller, usually within a nation.
to be capable, one has to be level-headed and resourceful. in order to form alliances, one also has to be capable. this brings me to the topic of the post - mint powerful bitcoiners! in order to build a bitcoin nation (a hyperbitcoinized world, global bitcoin network, the bitcoin mycelium, etc.), we need powerful capable people to run the software, hardware, educate others, propagate the message, and to stand their ground.
according to my meetup, i have brought more people into the bitcoin meetup than anyone else.. however i do not see myself as a very good orangepiller. i cannot orangepill just anybody. over time i have become jaded, just like most bitcoiners. i have been learning so much about science, sovereignty, history, anthropology, etc. that it has become difficult to talk to an average person, let alone an average man or woman who might know their purpose on earth.
now, i like to seek out the people who are already capable and level-headed. they can be religious or spiritual (but not devoutly religious! no religious extremists), have multiple above-average skills and be really good at something, and come from stable families. there are outliers, of course. they can be risk-averse or risk-takers, that's not too important...
the most important trait, i think, is the ability to consider new ideas without fear or ignorance. at this point i have amassed a vast library of knowledge, right at my fingertips, and it is all free! i need someone to receive the knowledge and build upon this true knowledge. bitcoiners are typically pretty smart and open minded, but even among bitcoiners there are many stupid people (as per the basic laws of human stupidity: #685370). however, i believe and hope that among bitcoiners there are more intelligent people than in other fields. it's an intelligence filter of sorts, an intelligence quotient test... but also social quotient (for running node networks), empathy quotient (we were all once normies), and emotional quotient (it's a wild ride!).
so, if you are an advanced educator, preserve ur energy & stamina, seek out capable men & women, and mint powerful bitcoiners.
the corollary to this idea is, how @darthcoin says "do not orangepill stupid normies." thank you for reading =)
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