I was recently talking about this issue, or rather writing about it, here on SN. For me, Bitcoin adoption was going through the fact that Bitcoin has very technical elements and on the other hand there is the language in which most of the information about Bitcoin is published, namely English.
My friend @DarthCoin invited me to do an experiment, I had to help a NOCOINER employee to configure any Lightning wallet, I quickly thought of WoS, for obvious reasons, then I would ask him for a beer and @Darth would pay for it from where he is, thus we would show him the usefulness and ease of using Bitcoin.
The result was that none of the 5 people to whom I proposed the experiment, even proposing that I was willing to pay in fiat for the beer. For all of them that "was a scam" "I'm not the owner and that doesn't fit me" "a cousin of mine was scammed with that" , houses like that.
I came to the conclusion that Bitcoin adoption is determined more by people's attitude towards Bitcoin. Although the explanation is simple and the payment method is easy, even with small amounts, people do not want to adopt Bitcoin, even when they know that they are doing badly with fiat money, but they do not realize that money is the problem itself.
Very well said. I am finding that I have "less patience" to spend the effort and brainpower to try to convince people why they should learn about Bitcoin, let alone care about it. In the early days I was excited and passionate (still am by the way) and wanted to tell as many people as I could... but we all know how that goes... you're the crazy bitcoin guy that no one wants to talk to. I evolved my orange pilling style over time, and even notched a few wins, but it is often an attempt in futility. People need to come to Bitcoin when they're ready, and they often just need a catalyst that sparks their interest. Once they're in the rabbithole, as all of us know, you fall hard and fast - and it is much broader and deeper than you could have ever imagined.
Unfortunately, human nature is like that. When they want to get in, it may be too late. The important thing is to try. If you don't, you'll never know how many people might have learned about Bitcoin and changed their lives.
Bitcoin adoption is determined more by people's attitude towards Bitcoin
very good observation.