Hey Freaks!
Hustle recently stumbled upon an article titled "Top Ten Ways to Stack More Bitcoin." Of course, Hustle clicked on the article... but after skimming through, he didn't see anything he hadn't already come across before. He sat back in his chair and pondered an interesting thought:

Our Primary Focus Shouldn't Be on Accumulation

If you think you need 3 BTC to retire and have obtained it, how much of your corn would you give to Coinbase for yield? Hustle remembers running a lightning node to get "routing yield." He attended a bitcoin meetup and saw the irrational exuberance of new stackers, the eager and crazed eyes of someone who has recently discovered the fountain of eternal youth.
A Key Realization
Everyone reading this already has an immense advantage in accumulating life-changing wealth before the rest of the world figures this stuff out. And in a deflationary world, the deflation is the yield.

A Shift in Focus

I'm thinking it would be more constructive to focus on...

1. Properly Secure Your Stack

Don't trust third-party custodians like JP Morgan with your Bitcoin. Take control of your assets and secure them properly.

2. Bitcoin Usability

Ensure you can easily spend and use your Bitcoin without relying on intermediaries. Improve your Lightning setup and explore alternative payment methods.

3. V4V

Engage with like-minded individuals and support online V4V community through platforms like SN and Nostr, where you can earn thousands of sats while learning and contributing to the constructive conversation.

4. Meatspace Communities

Connect with local Bitcoin enthusiasts and explore Bitcoin-friendly jurisdictions. This will help you stay sane and build strong relationships with others who share your ethics and morals.

5. Switching Your Unit of Account

Abandon fiat currency units and adopt Bitcoin as your standard unit of account. This will help you make clearer economic decisions and avoid the pitfalls of inflationary yield ridden thinking.

6. Finding Work that Pays in Bitcoin

Seek out opportunities that pay in Bitcoin or explore alternative income streams that are denominated in sats. This will help you build wealth more efficiently and avoid the risks of being associated with fiat currency.

7. Preparing Your Uncle Jim Setup

Be ready to assist and onboard the laggards, they wont know whats happening to the world around them or where to turn, you'll have sub accounts, spending and saving wallets ready for them.

8. Curating an Environment that is in Total Contrast to Fiat

Create a community or environment that rejects the values and morals of fiat culture. Focus on building and growing in a new thriving ecosystem while disregarding the system that is doomed to fail (to the best of your ability).

9. Health

Prioritize your mental health. Be ready to properly Sheppard your generational wealth. Face melting god candles have a way of shaking up your resolve or distracting you from your mission. (whatever you mission may be).

10. Node Running and Solo Mining

Contribute to the decentralization of the Bitcoin network by running a node and using open source mining solutions like the Bitaxe. ** We run the Network** Bitcoin dies if we don't.


Prepare for a future where Bitcoin is widely acknowledged as the global world reserve currency. Prioritize your preparedness, security, health, and community involvement. Run bitcoin like Hal Finney and don't give your bitcoin to JP (Freaking) Morgan for 5% yield.
Great post. Nice explanation
Excellent tips! Course my uncle Jim setup is the nieces and nephews. That I plan to give Bitcoin lessons to around the holidays!
Number 4 seems to me to be one of the most important!! In this short time I have learned many, many new things that have helped my knowledge and personal growth!! And associating with people who have that marked and precise ideal, such as the people who are in S.N or Nostr.. encourages me to continue forward.. although currently my capital is small.. I know that with good management of my earnings I will be able to make it grow and use it in the right way!!
Bookmarked this one
Nice nice nice
Earn more, spend less.
The second one, although less important, is overlooked by a lot of bitcoiners. If you can't change your income in the short term, change your spending. You'll be amazed how much there is to win by implementing discipline and smart lifehacks. IT ADDS UP!!
Imagine earning more and spending less. And then giving your bitcoin to blackrock because Larry said he's gonna give you 5%.
If you do that, earning more and spending less will have been an absolute disaster, and you'd be contributing to the centralization of the network.
I'm thinking we're too focused on accumulation, when there are more important factors to consider.
Well, you're basically talking about earning more and giving it away. People who are that confused are going to loose their money anyway.
Great post, Hustle!
Can you say more about running a routing node? Did you stop doing it?
I still run a lightning node, but attempting to become a "Big routing node" is for the birds.
Running a sovereign lightning node, and potentially providing liquidity for family and friends through something like albyhub, is better.
Lightning Terminal shows that my node was somewhat profitable overall, but not sure if it took all of the fees in to account.
Nowadays you can have a nice node with 2-4 channels spun up in 10 minutes and never have a failed payment.
Makes sense to just study darthcoin guides. I need to look at this one again https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-be-your-own-bank-think-like
My lightning node is on the way to becoming my checking account.
I haven't run a routing node, but it seems like doing so would fit in with your emphasis on doing things to help the broader ecosystem.
Is your point mainly that it's misguided to do so in the hope of riches?
When I say routing node I mean dumping a bunch of bitcoin on your lightning node in hopes of a return.
If you want to run a routing node to collect fees and earn bitcoin.....don't. Posting on SN and Nostr will earn you 10x especially if you deliver quality content. You don't need to be a huge routing node to assist family and friends.
Is your point mainly that it's misguided to do so in the hope of riches?
Absolutely, young freaks were having mental breakdowns over the thought of generating a bitcoin yield with their lightning nodes, while disguising their greed with half baked altruism.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 22 Sep
Nice trick on the title!
Solid advice
I need to get more jobs to pay me in sats
10 golden points with 10 golden simple explanations ! Excellent!
Thanks Darth!
Great post. Thank you.
I also read an article titled "Top Ten Ways to Stack More Bitcoin" on Substack. It ended up pointing me towards shitcoins like Ethereum and Monero. I felt disappointed.
Thank you, bitcoiner. This post of yours is very excellent and will definitely stand the test of time. Thanks dearly.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 22 Sep
Excellent resource, very useful and valuable for those of us who are still learning about Bitcoin and especially for those who are just starting out. Of all, I would highlight point number 5. Switching Your Unit of Account I consider this to be one of the most important factors when it comes to changing our mindset and achieving an understanding of Bitcoin. Migrating to the Bitcoin pattern makes us more aware of our expenses, helps us better understand the value of things, allows us to appreciate that FIAT money is there just to make us poorer every day, and allows us to achieve our goals in less time. And this is just mentioning some of the benefits of changing our unit of account. Thanks for sharing these 10 ways to stack more SATS. 💪🤠⚡
I was thinking it might be useful to have some sort of app for this.
Hold your phone over a fiat illusion to see its true value denominated in satoshi's.
The app would be called Reality.
I think most bitcoiners are still stuck in a fiat mindset (not using satoshi's as a unit of account), embracing Reality would help.
.......It would help TheWildHustle
He walks into 7/11 to buy a couple of bananas and begins performing mathematical calculations in his head.
These tips are valuable