Hey guys, since SN has people from all over the globe, i thought it would be interesting to see what kind of btc adoption you are seeing on the ground? are you starting to see people benefit from moving to btc (more savings, safer from gov etc)
i like watching joe nakomoto's videos as it combines my interest in travel with seeing bitcoin transform people's lives for the better.
for me at the moment, the only sign of anything even close is one crypto atm in a local mall and any time i mention bitcoin or things like that to a normie, they are either clueless or just think it's something very dangerous or bad.
for some of you, I'm sure the sats you can stack here also make a difference - do you hodl them or are there circular economies you can partake in?
I would have thought USA atms would have dropped their prices. I just checked the other day, they were selling bitcoin at 90k.
just to clarify, i am in Bulgaria at the moment and would never use an atm to actually buy btc, unless it was kyc free, in which case it would be worth a bit of a premium, not 90k tho lol
BTC ATMs are not a factor of bitcoin adoption... merchant adoption is. Without merchant adoption, bitcoin will never circulate. Without bitcoin circulation, it will die in ETFs and people will keep being fiat slaves. https://darth-coin.github.io/general/bitcoin-will-save-the-world-en.html