If you already have it running with your own LN backend from Start9, why do you need anything else?
AlbyHub + phoenixd is more for those users that:
  • do not have a proper LN node
  • do not want to get involved with managing LN channels and liquidity
  • do not want to buy real HW for a node, it can be run on any simple PC with 4GB RAM and a decent Linux (even on Windows). Or can be run on any cheap VPS.
11 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 22 Sep
Its working great with start9, I'm just interested in trying phoenixd for managing liquidity.
Leave that Start9 + Alby alone as it is. Try a new phoenixd + alby Hub on another simple PC.
trying phoenixd for managing liquidity.
There's nothing to manage, it works exactly like a normal Phoenix wallet.
Yeah, the other thing with phoenixd is to be able to use bolt12. I'll try on another device