nostr is the solution to many of the issues, but right now the average person doesn't have a clue.
we need thought leaders in their respective spaces to take up nostr and then tell their fans etc to follow on nostr
Agreed. At what point does “the average person” become affected by all this overreach and oppression of rights? I think the same is for BTC to some extent; the average person does not need it, therefore they do not learn about it or pursue it.
If we wait for the average person to be meaningfully impacted we may be too late by then. I hope this is not the case, though.
it's a slow-boiling frogs situation i think, until it goes critical.
sadly, all it would take is some influencer to mention it or go there, and that would spark a ton of adoption.
like, if kim Kardashian became a free speech and btc maxi, millions would flood there.
of course, by their nature they are mostly a bunch of vapid fuckheads so don't have a need for any kind of censor-resistant platform