You might be the only Jets fan that has bitcoin lol
I think there are other long suffering souls on SN.
Agreed, everyone seems to be fans of poverty franchises like the jets, raiders, or cardinals except for @grayruby and his 9ers
Thank you. I was a clearly a bandwagon jumper as a kid growing up in the 80s. I adopted the 49ers and the Edmonton Oilers. Perennial champs. I dropped the Oilers but stuck with the 49ers probably because Toronto didn't have an NFL team. But I have always cheered for the Bills as well.
Honestly jealous. The consistency of that franchise has been impressive. Since I’ve followed the NFL it seems you guys have had hall of fame MLBs every year
Willis to Bowman to Warner. Great defences almost every year in year out. Can bounce back from horrid decisions like Trey Lance. Nothing seems to mess them up
Some pretty lean years in the early 2000s and then again between 2012-2018 but I can't complain.