I think people care, but the primary value of those platforms is the number of people on those platforms and nostr can't compete on that front today.
Further, the value nostr provides over those platforms today is mostly intangible:
  1. I can store my data in multiple places rather than one
  2. I can use many different clients with different looks and feels and features
  3. I can use a mechanism for sending/receiving money that's tied to my data
People will come to nostr when it produces a value that's:
  1. tangible
  2. can't be had elsewhere
  3. doesn't require incredible network effects at the jump
Value is in the eye of the beholder… if we use the idea of value to be subjective to each persons unique situation, then I see it this way:
The desire to use a tool/solution/approach because it adds value relative to your incumbent solution and is voluntary and a low bar to switch is one thing.
The need to use a new tool relative to your incumbent solution due to necessity is another thing entirely.
The gap between these two approaches is very wide at the moment, and until they start to converge adoption will remain low, since we are still in the voluntary realm.
Once the paradigm begins to shift to the necessity realm - we will be ready.