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The best advice I ever got was from my Printmaking professor in college he said, “Real artists don’t starve.” He was basically telling me his story about some of the mistakes he made by staying in school to purse a career in the arts.
Second was Andreas Antonoplis on Joe Rogan rec in 2014 but didn't see till 2015, that ep changed the course of my life. A coworker of mine at a small web design company I worked at called a small orange sent this over to me because he brought up bitcoin to everyone at our morning meeting. I was the only one intrigued to ask more questions.
Buy Bitcoin52.0%
Something else48.0%
25 votes \ poll ended
I was a 8 years old kid and my grandpa gave to me few bucks. He said to me:
Learn how to save them and not how to spend them. Spending is easy, saving is hard. And if you do not know how to save them, later when you will need them, you will regret not knowing how to save them.
I remember those words too when I encounter for the first time Bitcoin. So I start hodling, each sat, one by one.
He also always said to me:
Smile, tomorrow will be worse. Every day in your life that you do not (at least) smile once, is a lost day in your life.
My grandpa lived 110 years and fought in both WWs, but he died smiling....
No doubt. Both advices are great. Specially second one. Being happy is life.
The best advice I ever got is "Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect."
I like it.
You can’t control everything, but you can always control how you respond.
This advice brought many changes in my life. Now I feel very peaceful
Great advice
The best for me was buy bitcoin. The rest I got actually made my life worse. Only buying bitcoin had a positive impact so far.
The best advice I got is much similar to yours. But it was my mom who told me that if you can have some talent, that would be better than all these books.
Ironically, the most valuable advice I received wasn't to buy Bitcoin, since I was the one who proposed it.
don't buy bitcoin... is going to crash...
a dude on youtube :)
The best advice I have received was from my friend who told me to focus on myself, to concentrate on improving myself and becoming a better person 1% every day and that the rest will come as an addition.
"Real musicians make mistakes but just continue so nobody ever notices"
Care not what others think of you.
With a caveat. Keep a small group of people that you trust have your best interests at heart and listen to what they have to say. Doesn't mean you have to do what they say or follow their advice but if you know they have your best interest at heart you should at least listen.
‘No one else knows what they’re doing either”
The best advice I was given was when my grandfather told me "he who leans against a good tree, finds good shade." That's why I always look for those who, in addition to knowing, want to teach because I want to learn.
The worst was when they told me "become a doctor" they should have told me "become a programmer." I don't regret being a doctor, but it's better to be a programmer.
A motivational speaker by the name of Shaun Whitehead. When I thought I was in over my head with college classes I always remembered her words that I can do this. Always kept me from quitting or thinking something was too hard.
Don’t be a slave to your job you must work to live not live to work
Fiat proven to be cause of this slavery 😐
Done is better than perfect.
Joe rogan had a life advice once that was clipped together from all the things he said. I disappeared soon after it was posted. Was a shame, I though it was very good. It was like 46 mins long.
Always be prepared with a song, a dance, and a speech for any situation so that you are ready to go when people need you to engage them
I can't think of ever being given any good advice for life. I figured everything out for myself.
A streamer would read through reddit /r/AITAH and offer his opinion.
He said something to the effect of your reaction determines whether you'll be able to look back at this moment and laugh or cringe.
The best advice I received was: "Go and live in another country, you will gain life experience and another language"