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According to the INFOBAE website, inflation has been 20% in 4 years, but my husband and I have done the math, and the numbers are higher.
The breads without fillings are sold 2 or 3 for 1 sol (0.20 cents). The breads in the emoliente carts or restaurants sell these breads with different fillings, it can be with: chicken, cheese, egg, avocado, meat, pork rinds, black olives, the bread with the most illogical filling that I have seen has been bread filled with tamales.
Bread with chicken is not sold at the same price as bread with cheese. For example, bread with chicken costs 2.50 soles (0.7 cents) today. Bread filled with cheese is sold for 2 soles (0.53 cents). Six years ago, these breads cost 1 sol each, even with the filling.