Yeppa that's very true. I surf SN anonimously just because I'm too embarassed to post this kind of questions, posts, comments with my real nickname.
We are bitcoiners. We're the 1%. We know loneliness :D It's ok
I tend to not label myself simply as bitcoiner because I want to avoid the trap of thinking I'm special. I'm not special, nobody is. We are naked apes struggling with Nature, being Nature a bad neighbourhood, the Inflation or the lack of a loved one. I'm okay with a transitionary period of acceptance of loneliness as a...transitionary state.
But if you project time long enough, there's no happiness in loneliness, not even in billionaires. To me, Bitcoin solves the monetary problem, the other issues have to be taken care of with other tools.
Dude, (dudette) have a drink, relax. Make a username, if you would like to join the tribe, and I'll put 1k bounty on you making your next post. If I have 1k to give tomorrow, I'll give it to you.
In fact, here's my Discord if anybody wants to chat: .sharklegs (yes, with the dot .)