As much as Pierre seems to like Bitcoin, I would not jump and name him "Bitcoin Pierre" and make him one of our plebs...
Remember: he's a politician, and by nature ALL politicians LIE and deceive, just to be in power, no matter what.
NEVER put your trust or hope in a politician. You will be deceived 100%
It seems you have not yet learned from all the names that chased clout by championing Bitcoin only to release a shitcoin after their name was circulated around enough. Clout chasers are turncoats. Do not hero worship or you will get stabbed in the back by that hero.
yep. leave the hyenas (politicians) to eat each others until they remain none.
What's occurred and continues in Canada under the Clownship of his Majesty Trudeau should alarm the world. Abusing one's citizens, violating their natural rights, and raiding their accounts should disqualify any leader from office. But instead, governments like Trudeau's seek restriction of opposition by financial blackmail; hence, these Machiavellians want state-centralized-programmable digital currencies (CBDCs).