Will you share with us which territories are purely noise and which ones provide signal, so I know what I should be muting?
That's a subjective question ...
Not to Darth its not. He is always right, you didn't know that?
It's just a perspective! DON'T TRUST, VERIFY... remember?
I only asked to poke at Darth. To get him to "waste" some time on me.
Poor Darth is triggered. Uh oh.
Or else?? My work speaks for itself. There is nothing you can do to hurt me. And I happen to be a snake charmer. I am David of the Desert.
go back to your hole... you have nothing to "enlighten me". You are making too much noise. And noise bothers me.
I know you are in pain so you take it out on others. I'm sorry you are in so much pain.
You always be "right" in your little itty bitty world. Good job. But I play in higher dimensions that you don't have access to. You are like a little toddler to me. I love playing with children. They don't know whats best for them.. but we love them anyways.
Snakes live in holes. And you are the snake. I am the snake charmer. You may not be charmed but i promise you this. You will never bite me.
I trust myself. I am not sure what that means in this context.
damn right
Did you forget the "stay humble" part?
I am not humble. get that.
Oh, I get it. I wonder how thats going to work out for you. We all learn the price of pride eventually.
start with your own territory: alter_native... is full of idiots and spammers. That's why I mute it. If you are not able to handle your "garden" you pay the consequences...
How would you know what happens in alter_native? You judged it and muted it in the first week I am sure.
You can shit on me as much as you like. I will still keep sending you my love.
What kind of consequences?
you are new to SN? I was warning long time ago about all "territory owners..."
I didn't see that one. I am quite new. Its founders, not owners. I don't own anything. never have.