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please go back to bitcoin stuff and keep apart from "warmongering" bullshit stuff. Otherwise you will be forgotten and isolated like many others...
Again, is being in Kyiv "warmongering"? I'm giving a talk at the local Bitdevs meetup this week.
I gave another two talks in Kyiv earlier this summer; both times I was interrupted by air raids.
Are those Bitcoiner's in Kyiv "warmongerers"? I know for a fact that some of them serve in the Ukrainian military, defending their country from an invasion. Is that "warmongering"?
Darth that sounds like bullying threats from you. How about sticking to fact based reasoned debate and a polite contest of ideas? Or can you not do that?
Peter's words speak for itelf. Are you blind ?
I have read through this page and my impression is you and Peter have very different positions but I see no cogent fact based contest of ideas where you or Peter is proven right or wrong. Yes banksters and state security CIA are involved in many wars and profit from them with the banksters often backing both sides but in the case of Ukraine I do not see the banksters backing Russia- it is China who support and enable Russias assault upon Ukraine. This is a proxy war between USA and China.
Chinas banks are not the same as the historically predominantly Jewish owned banks of Europe/USA who have indeed often backed both sides of wars between European western nations.
Chinese banks are a relatively new phenomenon in international war and are closely associated with the CCP. They are enabling Russias continued trade payments since USA / SWIFT blocked them.
I do not know what will happen of Ukraine falls to Russia but it does seem possible that this would signal for China and its allies Iran and Russia that further aggression might be equally rewarded.
IMO this is the beginning of WW3 and either way will not be the end of it. We need to step back and stop yelling at each other because as Bitcoiners we are all free to hold and express whateverthefuck opinion we want.... and hopefully this exchange can be done in a fact based reasoned contest of ideas- not bullying yelling emotional threats.
this is the beginning of WW3
WW3 was active since the'60s but you were too young and in diapers then. A WW is active and alive only when elements like >Peter are gaslighting the war propaganda...
But nobody is asking the most important question: QUI BONO (all this war)?
You would have wanted The West to offer no resistance to the USSR and its ambition of global expansion?
You now want The West to offer no resistance to the CCP and its clear intention to challenge US hegemony?
Again, you are taking sides... bitcoiners do not take sides in banksters wars. Why is so hard to understand?