Now we expect our partners to stimulate and fulfill us intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, basically everything. We want them to be into the hobbies we are, to be financial/ business partners, to be able to hold court as equals on our favorite topics of discussion... On and on.
Fair enough, that's pretty common nowadays. This is probably why marriages with no pre-marriage cohabitation are more likely to last. Which is also how humans used to face marriage up until few decades ago.
I feel that social media completely faked how people perceive strangers and life. Now joung boys and girls think that all their peers are having a good time, when they date someone they always compare that someone to the others. That is an hell of a trouble.
Meatspace always wins, agreed. I'm trying to get to a gist of any comment below this post, then the meatspace will be where I'll apply and test suggestions.
Thanks for your answer