I really think the HFSP attitude is a bad approach to onboarding new people to bitcoin. And like I said, the content available the past 7 years is optimized for hard core bitcoin enthusiasts. There is very little content that is approachable for curious, reasonable people who do not have an inordinate amount of time to research the subject.
No is not. I was teaching and onboarding nocoiners for the last 10+ years. And I onboarded hundreds... HFSP term is used for those who are really square heads and still don't want to understand.
For curious and reasonable people, you just have to say it: "Bitcoin or shitcoins, you choose".
We already pass that time when we try to behave nice with shitcoiners and try to convince them to come on the right path. We are at war and we have to be stronger and keep our path straight and do not let anyone to not even distract for a second with useless debates.
Bro you are not at war. Jfc
We are most definitely at war and the stakes are no less than the freedom and self-determination of humanity itself.
Yes, I am. With shitcoiners and banksters. I will die on this hill.
extreme stance like that is always counter productive. Just look at far-right far-left.. both crazy
Here it's just far-bitcoin or far-shitcoin
I know it's fun to war, but bitcoin-maxis turning into bitcoin-extremists is probably not helpful