Welcome back, as promised, to our weekly JABBB, Just Another Bitcoin Bubble Boom, a comic and meme contest crafted for you, creative stackers! If you'd like to learn more, check our welcome post here.

This week sticker: Bitcoin Stacker News

You can download the source file directly from the HereComesBitcoin website in SVG and PNG.

The task

Starting from this sticker, design a comic frame or a meme, add a message that perfectly captures the sentiment of the current most hilarious take on the Bitcoin space. You can contextualize it or not, it's up to you, you chose the message, the context and anything else that will help you submit your comic art masterpiece.
Are you a meme creator? There's space for you too: select the most similar shot from the gifts hosted on the Gif Station section and craft your best meme... Let's Jabbb!

If you enjoy designing and memeing, feel free to check our JABBB archive and create more to spread Bitcoin awareness to the moon.
Submit each proposal as separate comment on the thread below, bounties will be distributed next week together with the release of next JABBB contest.
ā‚æe creative and have fun!

2,100 sats bounty
Design_r's bounties
Ohh that's good
Thanks for your contribution šŸ¤£ that's the coolest SN meme! However, the submission need to use the sticker attached above šŸ‘†
we need a k00b sticker with his big yellow SN hat
Here's mine from a previous meme contest
Here is a meme I made with that sticker a couple months ago. I was hoping someone would improve upon it. Maybe I should pay you the bounty to fix it for me. Haha
hehe I remember this one!
This is for you @grayruby
Now we are talking!
Amazing! That's a good one for our previous JABBB #02. Submit it there too!
For this one, use the sticker provided above šŸ‘†
Somehow, I missed this series for 5 months. It looks really fun.
Thanks and glad you find it fun, that's the goal! I'm eager to see new creations made using this grumpy face.
Is this like the Wed's Meme Show? BTW the name of this contest sucks ;)
Appreciate your feedback and honesty!