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Their vocabulary spelling scores improved drastically on the next quiz. It was magical.
One of the things my dad and I both noticed is that students tend to rise or fall to the level of the class. When I would decide to make a class more rigorous, there was little drop off in grades. Students rose to meet the higher bar.
That does work for some. The rest just dont care. The only reason why they were in the class was so the school could make money off of them. Their level was not at the level it should have been.
Sure, I had those too, but the students who were going to fail did so in either case.
I just thought it was interesting that my grade distribution always seemed to be about the same, whether I made the class easier or harder.
No students ever failed. They were always moved up with their friends, regardless of their level. Just one of those types of schools.
That's normal. I taught college students, so we could fail them and usually not have to deal with parents.
Yes, at college they have to take responsibility for their own actions.