a sign board 'Bitcoin Accepted here'
I've never seen that either. We're all still very early.
105 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 25 Sep
I used to have the plan to buy a lot of these stickers and just troll stores by sticking it somewhere outside for customers to see. The plan was that customers would then ask about paying with bitcoin; increasing perceived demand. But that would obviously be a very immature thing to do.
checks where to buy these stickers
This is an excellent plan. I have done something similar for my my tution classes when I slipped a pamphlet from down under the doors of ever house in the town where I started the classes. It was quite successful.
Why not we do something like that in India?
Because we can't risk going behind the bars.
I agree. It's a great plan.
I would also suggest to organise a satsraiser for any such plans.
I'm surprised. Not in USA? I think, there are many others who have seen. It's just, you aren't so lucky to see them.
Not the right area, I guess.