Oh yes, you are right! I think she gets it but it still takes a few miles to fully understand Bitcoin. What she fully gets is playing the Fiat game.
So you were handing over BTC flyers to any other businesses but not to your own wife? #150780 Hard to believe that.
Show me on https://btcmap.org/ which businesses you onboarded to Bitcoin please. Hard to believe that you are only responsible for one.
So, in all this time...
  • you weren't able to teach your wife about Bitcoin
  • you weren't able to onboard her business to accept Bitcoin and pay the employees in Bitcoin.
  • she is still a fiat maxi
So why are you wasting time with this post ?
I am sorry that you are hiding somewhere in a hole in the ground like a psychopath in Romania or Bulgaria from normal people, you have no family, wife or children?
lol. Kindly gfy.