It's ok, we actually have the exact same phenomenon here, down to every detail you mentioned. The pejorative term here is "leftie with OSDE" (OSDE is THE most expensive high-elite health insurance service in the entire country), "leftie with iphone", "snowflake", "macchiato leftie", etc. It's the exact same pattern.
Yet, while we despise them, they are not a major driving force. The biggest problem is and has always been just sheer ignorance from the general population, in the exact same way the USA has been affected too: republicans have no other distinction from democrats other than conservatism. Milei was the first referent ever to explicitly and vehemently point out that fact, a bold move because it attacked both parts of the electorate, with the intention to create a third one (a move that to many seemed unbearably paradoxical). The fact he did pulled that off against all odds is nothing short of a Napoleonic-level political victory.