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Hey people...
I'm here to plead for financial aid ...I know it doesn't sound right but I'm loosing options here... So I'm a single mother of two... currently not employed..I was tho my contract with my employer had to abruptly end because if the sexual harassment I was facing...
Currently I have no place to stay because my house got closed by my landlord because my rent was due ..I had to give out my children to my in-laws so atleast they eat and sleep without them worrying...
It's been three weeks now and I'm loosing my mind...
Anyone there willing to help ... Would really mean allot to my kids and I
I'm sorry for asking for help but it's my last call for help...atleast help me ease my thoughts...
Thank you and God bless you all
this territory is moderated
You write well. If you make good content here people tend to be very generous.
Thank you for your kind words 🫂God bless you
Thank you...
Well I post and reply on here allot ...
I'm keeping my hopes high... I know there's something in store for me
Are you from Africa?
Yes I am and I'm not a scammer...it hurts when someone tries to genuinely ask for help bt people think that you are a scammer
100% this is an Indian scammer.
I'm Kenyan...I'm not a scammer...
My full names are stacy wairimu maloba
My daughter is Kaycee gathoni
My son who's one and a half is khalifa keroci
Also job opportunities might help too...
Write here & on the Hive network, check ecency.com
Lots of people making enough to feed themselves around the world, takes time to build up course, like anything...
What sort of work are you looking for?
Translation jobs...content creation jobs or any promotion job there is...I haven't studied that much but I did a diploma in jonourlism
@k00b any job here
Ummm most people here get paid to make content.
Well I've tried...I get sats from time to time but then I cash them out to add to my Main lightning wallet to stack them up...maybe some day they shall be worth cashing out