394 sats \ 3 comments \ @sn 26 Sep meta bot
zaps forwarded to @k00b (10%) @Undisciplined (50%) @g4ala (10%)

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  • stacker is in hiding for September 26, 2023
  • @k00b
    • 2295 stacked \ 6925 spent \ 6 posts \ 2 comments \ September 26, 2022
  • @g4ala
    • 15 stacked \ 24 spent \ 1 post \ 1 comment \ September 26, 2021

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  • ~bitcoin
    • 96.6k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 184.8k spent \ 100 posts \ 239 comments \ September 26, 2023
  • ~bitcoin
    • 19.7k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 31.9k spent \ 93 posts \ 173 comments \ September 26, 2022
  • ~bitcoin
    • 204 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 218 spent \ 8 posts \ 7 comments \ September 26, 2021
Love seeing the bitcoin territory gains over the years
What a spiritual post by @jimmysong! I didn't know he got this hidden talent as well. Really, he's as worth reading as watching.
That top post..I am going to have to check. I feel sometimes the random ones dont hit the good ones.