When we think about the plague epidemic in Europe in the Middle Ages, we can say that the main reason was the mass slaughter of cats. They were slaughtered all over Europe. It is clear that love for animals has nothing to do with nationality. I think the more you read, the more your inner vision develops. Reading develops not only the brain, but also the heart. Please look at the issue you are talking about from this point of view. Best
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @drlh 2h
In this context it has to do with religion. Ancient egypt loved cats much. Christianity condemned the egypteean religion, so the cats.
Still Cyprus has more cats than people.
I don't think it has anything to do with religion either. Because superstitions were the reason for the slaughter of cats in the Middle Ages. No religion likes superstitions. (By the way, I believe that there is actually only one religion that exists under different names)