In this tutorial we explain how to connect Alby go to your node through Albyhub, with this we can have our sats custodian and use our getalby address to receive sats without generating an invoice.
Have a node, in my case it is an umbrel node.
Have open channels,liquidity
In our node we go to applications and add alby hub from community apps. (See image)
We install the alby hub application.
We enter alby hub In the connections section > add connection > isolated (we will use isolated to create new accounts with their own balance) > we enter the name of the account in my case it will be my alby account, (it is just In order to distinguish them, I will do this procedure for the accounts of family and friends)> an unrevealed QR code will appear, for now we move on to step 4.

We download the alby go cell phone app (
In Alby go > connect wallet > name the wallet (i name it> read the QR code from step 3
In order to use our getalby address you must connect nostr wallet to our account using web page
In AlbyGo we go to settings (In the upper right corner)> and copy export wallet, it will help us connect with our getlaby address.
In our browser we enter > setting > wallet configuration >link to your own wallet >nostr wallet connect your and we copy the information from step 6.

- Remember to add your alby address in setting in the alby go application.

With this we have our node as custodian of the sats, we create an account with a 0 balance to start receiving sats (and be able to make more accounts for friends and family), we connect our getalby address with our wallet to be able to receive sats without generating invoices.
- The person who controls the node must have liquidity at all times.
- The node must be connected 24 hours a day.
- If the node disappears, the sats of the linked accounts also disappear.
- In Alby go save the export Wallet secret.