Here's the deal. Everything you are saying... I have heard for pretty much 25 years from progressives/democrats and conservative republicans. We need this big stick to keep the business in line. Blah blah blah. They get rich off the system. They are corrupt. The populace isn't smart enough to even reason about it.
This is why bitcoin is the answer. It doesn't require some philosophical debate or anything. Just greed. Just self preservation. It won't destroy the state but it does take a huge tool out of their hands.
The answer is to build something better and people vote with their actions/feet. Casting a vote isn't going to change the world but the day to day choices we make will. I'm not putting any faith in the state or democracy. But that's my take. I understand why most people don't see it that way. Its a journey.
If you do want to see what a smart economist that is very fair says about anarchy / stateless society read Bob Murphy. At the least you might come away with better questions or different questions.
I agree Bitcoin can hugely reduce the rentseeking that is currently destroying western democracies. The bankers have taken over our governments and Bitcoin directly undercuts their position. But even if Bitcoin succeeds in reducing the power of the banks there will still be the need for some regulation of other markets where otherwise private interest and greed will result inevitably in market fixing and price gouging.