Am here for contest of ideas in good faith. My record demonstrates this. Am not here for circle jerking Libertarian cult BS. If you do not feel the good will and mental strength and confidence to engage in a contest of ideas - that is your loss - by default.
I will freely admit my mind is closed to statism in general. The reasons are many. My goal in this post was not to convince someone of your world view that you are wrong. That's pretty much impossible unless the person is searching.
My reason for pointing you to that book is because it is an easy read and actually responds to many objections you have and many you haven't mentioned. I am not interested in writing up a full refutation of socialism or statism to someone that has described their world view as you have. It sounds like you are pretty firm. That's fine.
It is my loss though because I have wasted to much time on this thread. Congrats I guess.