In other words... how to lose your precious sats on bullshit stuff... Guys, spend WISELY your sats !
I predict that this predyx bullshit will disappear with your money in 3 years. @remindme in 3 years
"In other words… how to turn your sats into wins! 🎉 We get it, nobody likes risking their precious sats without confidence in the platform. That’s why PREDYX is all about transparency, instant payouts via the Lightning Network ⚡, and legal, certified resolutions for markets like elections. Remember, it's all about making informed predictions. We’re not here to gamble your sats away on BS, but to create a fun, secure, and profitable way to engage in prediction markets. 😊
@remindme in 3 years to see how much fun we’re still having with our sats intact!"