Who blew up Nordstream? Wasn't that a pretty big part of Germany's continued economic success? The cheap fuel from Russia. Biden said he'd put an end to Nordstream if Russian troops ever crossed the Ukrainian border. Well they did and what he said he'd make happen actually happened. Other members of his cabinet made the same prediction or threat whatever you want to call it. Seymour Hersh, renowned longtime journalist, wrote a piece detailing what happened (if he didn't make up the story and his sources weren't lying.) Interesting stuff, isn't it?
Russia using Nordstream as bargaining chip might have paved the way towards diplomatic resolution of the security concerns of Russia. With that off the table there's less incentive for Germany to seek peaceful resolution. Still more than enough incentive in my view but the economic pressures towards diplomacy are dampened significantly since Russia couldn't sell Germany as much fuel even if they wanted to (with the pipeline destroyed).
Check out the writings of Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer on this conflict. Rfk Jr does a good job as well I think. People are probably familiar with the corporate media / mockingbird media depiction of this conflict. I find Jeffrey's and John's depictions far more rational and historically accurate.
The Ukraine proxy war is bleeding especially the weak EU economy faster and faster. I hope that this will end the conflict and some politicians with one or two functioning brain cells will start negotiating. UK btw is highly involved in ukraine and they are pushing hard for escalation