Chapter Seven A Cow-Free Life
When you kill your cows you accept full responsibility for your success. You become the architect of your own destiny.
Wanting to succeed, having good intentions and big dreams alone will not lead you to success. For every great idea that ended up changing human history, there have been thousands of ideas that never materialized, because those who conceived them and perhaps developed a plan to achieve them, never put that plan into motion.
That was their cow: Lack of action.
So get your plans rolling. Don't stop to think about all the problems that might arise. Many people plan and rehearse their own failure by wasting a great deal of time anticipating the worst. Great achievers accept the risks that usually accompany the pursuit of success. That courage, that jumpstart, that understanding that every great dream demands immediate action, is what distinguishes the winner from the loser.
In the game of life you are either a player or a spectator. Winners are more than just participants, they are fully committed to their goals. They don't look for excuses, because they know their friends don't need them and their enemies won't believe them anyway.
Whatever your cow, there is only one way to kill it: Action
Don't let life pass you by, free yourself from your cows and be careful not to join the ranks of those who at the end of their lives will only be able to remember with regret and sadness all the lost opportunities.
Face every new challenge; challenge conventional norms; break the rules of the game. Worries, fears, worries and doubts are nothing more than cows that try to steal your dreams and keep you tied to a life of mediocrity. Remember that the enemy of success is not failure but conformism.
I invite you to accept the challenge of living a life free of cows, a life where every dream is possible and the only limits are those you impose yourself.
Accept this challenge and I assure you that very soon you and I will meet at the summit of success.
--- END ---
I have really enjoyed this journey with you to reflect a little on ourselves and our imposed limitations. I hope you have also enjoyed the journey.
Here is the link to the publication. You should know that there is an extended version of the book. Thank you for accompanying me.
Indeed is a nice book. Thanks for posting it chapter by chapter.
challenge of living a life free of cows
I wonder... if we put these 2 books together, "La Vaca" and "Basic laws of human stupidity", would be possible to live a life free of "cows" if all those stupid people do not let you fully get rid of your "cows" ?
I mean, yeah we always try to "kill all the cows" but then is coming a stupid guy and bring another cow into your life... and...
First I want to thank you. You have no idea how much you have helped me. Maybe you don't know. But when I read the book "Basic Laws of Human Stupidity" this post came to my mind. I decided to use your same procedure to try to achieve this effect, to unite both readings in our lives.
We will always, always, always be fighting to kill our Cows but we will also be meeting STUPID PEOPLE.
So, here we go again!!!